
This box was an Easy box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux. The entry point is with a web vulnerability which allow us to have a file upload vulnerability. With that we can upload a malicious “php”...

This box was an Easy box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux. The entry point is with a web vulnerability which allow us to have a LFI, where we can upload a malicious PHP file on the server, and the...

This box was an Easy box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux. The entry point is with a backdoored version os UnrealIRCD, which allow us to execute commands on the server. After that we get an passwo...

This box was an Medium box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux. The entry point is with a web vulnerability which allow us to execute php scripts in a wordpress plugin. After that you get a www-data ...

This box was an Easy box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Solaris and the entry point is with SSH. Solaris is not so common in HackTheBox machines. This box was really easy to solve. I did not make any ...

This box was an Medium box from HackTheBox. It’s FreedBSD OS, which is not so common in HackTheBox. The entry point is with a LFI on the webserver which we can get the SSH password of an user. Afte...

This box was an Easy box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux. The entry point is with a vulnerability in the web app. Called HeartBleed, which let us get more data than we should. With that we get a ...

This box was an medium box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux and the entry point is with Web App. We found an API which is giving us a password. We login with a ssh session in it and see that we ca...

This box was an Medium box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux. The entry point is with a James SMTP server running on this host, this server is vulnerable. We can exploit it and get a shell. The roo...

This box was an medium box from HackTheBox. It’s OS is Linux and the entry point is with Web App. We found the phpliteadmin running on port 443, then we can get RCE on this box using a vulnerabilit...