Home Active Directory - Enumeration

Active Directory - Enumeration

Active Directory - Enumeration

Here you will find some commands to explore Active Directory and make a good Enumeration

Everything will need to know to enumerate properly it.

Hope you enjoy.


Initial Consideration

Now let’s start enumerating an Active Directory, which is the first step to be taken in any offensive activity.

The tool I will use for this section is PowerView.ps1, a script written in PowerShell that allows for quick and accurate enumeration of (almost) everything that exists within the AD environment!

Script download link


And of course, of course, I’ll hide all mentions for which environment I’m enumerating, here it’s just for didactic purposes!

Domain Enumeration

Let’s start and enumerate!

Logically after we have downloaded the script we should import it, with the command Import-Module PowerView.ps1

User Enumeration

The command to perform user enumeration within AD environment is

Get-NetUser | select Name

And here are listed all users who are registered within Active Directory.

Group Enumeration

The command to perform enumeration of groups within AD environment is

Get-NetGroup | select Name

And here are all groups within AD.

Computer Enumeration

Yes, that’s right, we can see all computers that are registered within the domain! The command for this is:

Get-NetComputer | select Name

From then on, we started to see what our possible targets are!

Domain Admins Enumeration

The command to enumerate all Domains Admins is:

Get-NetGroupMember "Domain Admins"

Enumeration of Shares

We can also check all available shares in AD, folders that we will have access to.


Enumeration of ACLs

ACLs are the permissions they have within AD, in this case each Object

Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName "Domain Admins"

So we check all ACLS from all groups

Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName "Domain Admins" -ResolveGUIDs

Enumeration of OUs

Get-NetOU select | name

Domain Trusts Enumeration

The idea now is to enumerate the trusts that our domain has in FOREST


With Get-NetForest Domain we check all domains in the current forest,

With the command Get-New Forest Trust we check the trusts of our forest

This is important because with this bidirectional trust we can also enumerate the other domain (outside of ours) in the case what appeared there in the command above

Get-NetComputer -Domain domain_showed.local | select name

These are machines accessible in another forest through the trust we have in our domain! Interesting!

USER HUNTING Enumeration

With it we check if on any machine in the domain we have local admin access (VERY NOISY)


It didn’t work here because I don’t have administrative access on any machine with my username

Another very important function is Invoke-UserHunter, it does the same thing as Find-LocalAdminAccess


It didn’t work here because I don’t have administrative access on any machine with my username


A good enumeration is always of utmost importance in any environment we come across. It does not end here, there is still much more to be explored, however for an initial analysis.


Summarizing what was done, first we must have the tool PowerView (https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Recon/PowerView.ps1), so we can perform the enumeration.

Commands used.

Get-NetUser | select Name
Get-NetGroup | select Name
Get-NetComputer | select Name
Get-NetGroupMember "Domain Admins"
Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName "Domain Admins"
Get-ObjectAcl -SamAccountName "Domain Admins" -ResolveGUIDs
Get-NetOU select | name
Get-NetComputer -Domain domain_showed.local | select name

Now let’s go to MSSQL server enumeration

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